Pharmacy Program staff work with the MO HealthNet’s Pharmacy Advisory Committees, the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy Drug Information Center, the Oregon Evidence-Based Drug Research Consortium, and contractors to perform evidence-based reviews and develop product recommendations for utilization management (UM) and preferred drug list (PDL), which includes both drug and non-drug products. The clinical information is paired with a fiscal evaluation and developed into edit criteria. The UM program and PDL is vital to the utilization management strategy for point-of-sale and physician-administered drugs available via the Fee-For-Service benefit. An effectively and efficiently managed Pharmacy Program will provide savings and promote clinical care and prescribing habits based on best practices.
Implementation Schedule PDL/DSP Searchable Database Preferred/Non-Preferred Products Drug Prior Authorization Forms
Effective Date | Pharmacy Clinical Edit and PDL Description | Upcoming Policy Changes |