Managed Care Providers
The MO HealthNet Managed Care health plans have additional flexibilities in operating their programs, such as determining which services require prior authorization, and details for claims submission. Please be aware that certain services, such as pharmacy, are "carved out" of Managed Care and will be paid through the Fee-For-Service program. Please visit the individual health plan website to view their manuals.
General Manual Sections
The information in the general sections apply to all MO HealthNet Fee-For-Service programs.
Provider Manuals
- AIDS Waiver
- Adult Day Care Waiver
- Aged & Disabled Waiver
- Ambulance
- Ambulatory Surgical Center
- Behavioral Health Adult Targeted Case Management
- Behavioral Health Services
- Behavioral Health Youth Targeted Case Management
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics / Organizations Manual
- Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- Comprehensive Day Rehabilitation
- Comprehensive Substance Treatment and Rehabilitation
- Comprehensive Substance Treatment and Rehabilitation / American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Developmental Disabilities Waiver
- Dental
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Environmental Lead Assessment
- Exceptions
- Healthy Children and Youth
- Hearing Aid
- Home Health
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Independent Living Waiver
- Medicare / Medicaid Claims Processing
- Medically Fragile Adult Waiver
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Nurse Midwife
- Nursing Home
- Optical
- Personal Care
- Pharmacy
- Physician
- Private Duty Nursing
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Radiology
- Rehabilitation Centers
- Rural Health Clinic
- School District Administrative Claiming Manual
- School-Based IEP Direct Services Cost Settlement Manual
- School-Based IEP Specialized Transportation Services
- Structured Family Caregiving Waiver Provider Manual
- Targeted Case Management for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Therapy
- Transplant