
The MO HealthNet Provider Education Unit schedules webinars on a quarterly basis for many of the MO HealthNet (Medicaid) programs. If a provider has registered for a MO HealthNet webinar and cannot attend for any reason, the webinar participant should contact MO HealthNet Provider Education and cancel their registration. Only 12 participants are allowed to register for each webinar and at times there is a waiting list. By notifying MO HealthNet of the cancellation, providers on the waiting list will be contacted and given the opportunity to register.

When Providers register for a webinar, their names and/or agency information is entered on an attendance sheet. At the time the webinar begins, the education representative will ask who has called in so the names can be checked off the registration list even though the name appears in a box on the screen. The name list can sometimes be quite long and the representative may not always see late sign-ins. With this in mind, providers are asked to verbally inform the representative they have called in to assure they receive credit for attendance.